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  • +1 (845) 248-8625

Talla Ramgarh - Construction of a Library (2023)

Giving Hands Foundation helped in the process of building a library in a remote tranquil village Talla Ramgarh, Nainital District, India. The local team led by the dynamic Education Officer Ms. Geetika Joshi zeroed down on a dilapidated building surrounded and overrun by weeds due to long standing decades of negligence. It had become a safe haven for alcoholics and addicts in the past. Efforts were started to reconstruct it into a functioning library to help the kids of the surrounding neighborhood. The goal in mind was to
1) Overcome barriers to limited resources in remote area
2) Fostering love for learning
3) Empowerment through learning
4) Bridging the digital divide.
Currently the basic infrastructure is near completion. Generous support was provided by Ms. Arundhati and Mr. Arvind who almost entirely shifted books and other precious library material from an existing library at Shitla Village. Currently we are looking for like-minded people to come together so that we can purchase books, laptops, kindles and other digital tools to facilitate modern set up. By offering audiobooks, e-books, and internet access this library should empower young minds to explore diverse knowledge, cultivate literary skills, and nurture their imagination. A comprehensive library will benefit all the surrounding schools of the neighborhood.

Distribution of Winter Cloths (2022)

As has been a tradition for last several years this year ( 2022) too, we distributed warm clothes to several kids from Shitala Village in order to prepare them to face the strong forthcoming winter months. Our sincere thanks to Arundhatiji, Arvindji and Rajeshji for helping in the procurement, shipping and distribution process

Distribution of Winter Cloths (2021)

This winter ( 2021) around the Diwali/ Thanksgiving as has been a tradition now for last several years we decided to give woolen clothes to the school going kids to cope up with the harsh winter and enable them to attend the school uninterrupted. The last few years had been particularly harsh due to the Covid pandemic . Several kids lost one of their parents , many men became unemployed affecting the livelihood of the family, and many of the village elders became sick and disabled Warm woolen clothes were distributed to several kids and blankets were given to the village elders. The distribution was done in Motiapather, Chhatola , Pokhari and Kafli villages of the Almora district. Our sincere thanks to Rajeshji from Ludhiana who helped to purchase and ship the supplies to Halwani on our behalf. The local distribution would not have been possible without the herculean effort of Ms. Arundhati and Arvind ji who identified the needy in the surrounding villages to distribute the woolens and the blankets.

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