• donate@givinghandsfoundation.org |
  • +1 (845) 248-8625

From the Founder's Desk

I am a firm believer that great things in life mostly happen by accidents. About 5 years back, I incidentally received a whatsapp message from one of my close school buddies about a remarkable work being done by Ms Geetika Joshi , the then Education officer in Almora district, Uttarakhand. Ms. Joshi was trying singlehandedly to renovate several dilapidated schools in the remote areas of Uttrakhand in the hope of making the schools attractive and safe for the local kids. Inspired by her remarkable effort, Me and Anita reached out to her and offered our support to the cause. Our shared belief that poor kids have an equal right to quality schools and education led us to collaborate together and as a team over the years we have renovated, repaired and reconstructed several schools.
During my Orthopedic residency training at Jabalpur, we encountered several cases of crushing and debilitating injuries of hand and upper extremities. Most of these patients were either working in nearby factories or were farm workers. We also came across kids and adults with several congenital deformities. Dearth of expertise in handling these complex deformities was frustrating. Being the sole bread earner it was also devastating for their families. Several years later while working in New York I narrated this experience to one of my Hand surgery colleagues. Moved by this we decided to form a team and eventually it led us to do a “ Hand Deformity Correction” camp in Rudrapur where several patients were treated surgically. It was an uplifting experience and we pledged to continue to offer such programs in the future.
The above two experiences started a journey which culminated in several other similar programs and finally “ Giving Hands Foundation” came into being.

Our Mission

Support education and health in underprivileged communities for a better tomorrow.

Our Vision

Bring up new generation of heathy, educated and inspired kids for future.

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